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The Trouble With Furries Page 4
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Page 4
The moan came again, deeper and disturbing. "Oh yeah, that's right."
Closer, Daniel could see the man sitting on something that in the slight light looked to be the size of a small fire hydrant. The sight repulsed and frightened him.
"Hey you, come here." The man sank deeper onto the object and looked out with desperation and need. "Come on," he roared.
A lube drenched hand reached and touched Daniel's leg. In an instant, he screamed and bolted up the stairs, spilling water on the way until he made it to the safe room.
Patrick was already up and concerned, with a pair of pants on. "What's the matter? I heard you yell."
Daniel hyperventilated, his heart beating fast, water glasses half empty, and finally managing, "The guy down there...he tried to...Dammit, he freaked me out."
"Stay here!"
Patrick changed. Anger flowed through him, the likes of which Daniel had never seen before. The door slammed. Daniel set the glasses on a nightstand, crawled underneath the sheets, and pulled the cover from the foot of the bed up to his chest. The final climatic animal attack was playing out on the screen, so Daniel turned up the volume to drown out the other one downstairs. It almost worked, except for some muffled yelling and something breaking. In that instance Daniel realized the depths of Patrick's quick temper. The bear on the television was shot and Daniel pulled the cover completely over his body to hide from the reel world as well as the real world.
Chapter Six:
Daniel joined the others assembled on the Trade patio for an impromptu meeting on the following clean-up day. Out of breath and panicked, he said, "Sorry I'm late," panting in a leaned over position with his hands on his knees.
"At least you're here." Stina eyed the staff. All of them were dressed down like they had gotten out of bed too early and found themselves at work instead of home.
The motley crew consisted of Max, the most alert of the group; Freddy, wearing a no coffee scowl; Gustavo, in pajamas, the asexual type that made it hard to tell if they were men's or women's bed clothes; George, dressed like a country truck driver; Darren, with red eyes from a long night out; Eddie, who still looked good no matter the time of day; and Yolanda, in boy drag.
Chad patted Daniel's back. "Whoa boy, it's alright." Instead of moving his hands away, he turned the pat into a massage, to Daniel's delight.
"Ethyl is teaching at her real job today and I haven't seen Ned, Jeff, or Rory," Yolanda volunteered.
"Thank you, Boy George." Stina raised a finger in warning of reprise and said in afterthought, "Jeff is off and Rory is inside doing some paperwork in the office."
"Little ass kisser," George said under his breath, spitting tobacco juice on the wooden deck.
Daniel ignored the interplay of the group and snuck a look at Chad, but looking away quickly not to break the moment.
Ned ran into the meeting, receiving a disapproving head turn and look from his co-workers. "I'm here, I got stuck..."
"No excuses. Don't be late again," Stina spoke louder, "Today, I want the bar to be fucking spotless. You all have been slacking off, and it shows. The TABC may drop by, or even the health department, so make it fabulous. That's it, short and sweet. Now get to it!" Stina clapped his hands to emphasize his point.
Hushed murmurs issued forth from the crew as they slowly mingled on the patio or dispersed into the club. Max quieted his bar mate, Ned, and pushed down Eddie's hand which was twirling a joint between fingers at the same time.
Holding a second look longer, Daniel smiled at Chad who mischievously continued to rub his back. He stretched forward, enjoying the contact of Chad's firm hands. The staff was eclectic, and Daniel liked that: all of them different, kind of like him. Ned whispered to a short, petite, red haired girl that Daniel had not seen before. Rory peeked out of the door and made a phone call sign of his hand to his head. Stina toked on the joint and passed it to Max. Daniel was not surprised at this as it seemed that in this place, anything was possible. Chad still had not said a word to him, but that too was fine as the touch made up for it.
Gustavo waddled up, interrupting the bliss of the moment. "You two can get a room later. I want you to wash out all of the trash cans now."
"I did that last week," Chad protested.
"You're still new."
"Okay, we'll do it, Kathy," Daniel teased.
"Don't start something you can't finish," Gustavo pirouetted and walked off.
"What was that about?" Daniel asked Chad in a conciliatory manner.
"She's always like that." Chad stopped rubbing Daniel's back as if he suddenly remembered that he was doing it in public.
Freddy gave them both a judgmental look, and then shrugged it off. The group had split in half, with only Freddy and Eddie remaining behind. Eddie relit the joint that had gone out from the high humidity. Daniel shrugged back and followed Chad to a closet just inside the doors. Inside, Chad dug under some boxes and pulled out a coiled water hose and sprayer.
"Grab that soap, Dan," Chad pointed to a liter-sized plastic bottle filled with pink goop.
He ignored the shortened version of his name since it was Chad. "There's something I wanted to ask you."
Chad stopped, the air in the small space seeming thinner. "What's that?"
Daniel swallowed. "It's about the fox tail."
"Okay, it was Halloween."
"No, you had it on the day I was hired."
"Yeah, I suppose I did."
"What's it about?" Daniel really wanted a definitive answer.
"It's only a tail. Why are you so interested?"
"I thought maybe...it was a furry thing."
Chad laughed. "A furry thing, huh, like animal stuff?"
Daniel sensed the moment. "Look, I have always been drawn to that stuff, ever since I was a kid. But I have never met anyone else that was into it."
Chad reached into his shorts and pulled out the fox tail. "I wear it most of the time."
Daniel stroked it. "Where can I get one?"
"There's a place in the Montrose by that leather bar, the one called Boots. I'll take you there."
"That would be awesome."
"What's your animal?"
"The wolf is mine, or any other real canine."
Chad laughed and stepped closer. "Maybe we can be the fox and the hound."
"I think I'd like that." Daniel let go of the soft tail. "Do you want to hang out?"
"Sure. Come on, we have to get to work." Chad dragged the hose outside, took the end and screwed it into the spigot.
Daniel took a hold of the other end where water flowed out, pulling it to where the trash cans were lined up. "There is one thing. I'm staying with Patrick."
Chad began flipping cans right side up and Daniel joined in.
"Not the bartender from Straps?" Chad twisted the cap off of the soap and poured a dab into the first trash can. He then continued the pattern down the row of cans.
"Yeah, he's cool."
"Is he your boyfriend?"
"Yeah...so," Daniel dared with his eyes and sprayed the soap into suds.
"You are a dog." Chad took the hose mid-finish on the cans, spraying Daniel.
"Hey, cut it out." Daniel tried to hide behind another trash can and got blasted again.
Chad laughed and aimed. "See what happens to bad dogs."
"You're going to get it." Daniel rose up with a scooped handful of soapy water and splashed back.
Chad reached for his soapy eye, and in that moment, Daniel attacked. "Dammit, Dan," Chad managed to say before falling.
"I got you." Daniel slipped in the sudsy water.
"Oh yeah," Chad wrestled back.
The hose was knocked loose and both of them fought to gain control as it sloshed water across the deck. The momentum of the play fight threw them into the trash cans and knocked over others. Daniel and Chad both laughed hysterically in each other's arms as bubbles blew around the still patio air.
The nasal British voice of Rory crashed in from the club
. "There will be none of that horseplay. Now get back to work."
On top of Chad, Daniel stood up and helped him. They looked each other over and laughed again.
Chapter Seven:
Another Saturday night at Trade and the music was pumping. The mostly male crowd was thick with testosterone. At station seven, Daniel shadowed Darren. He was a fast learner, catching on to bartender Eddie's quirks, like leaving bottles on the bar top for him to put away. When Darren left to check the floor, Daniel stepped up his game. Eddie's sour mix was quickly replenished after he mixed a round of Kamikazes, and Daniel opened two beers and had them in wait in the well for the next customer. Before he could wipe down the bar, Eddie grabbed him by the arm.
"Go get some ice."
Daniel looked at the ice well over three-quarters full, and then he looked back at Eddie.
Eddie nudged him on, "Go on."
Daniel grabbed an empty bucket from below, ducked under the bar, and went through the chattering boys. He could not help but look over the rail as he passed above the revelry on the dance floor. Even though he didn't recognize the song, he liked the beat and banged his head to it. At the bottom of the back stairwell he saw a beautiful angelic girl sitting on a stool, watching the side exit. Daniel stopped and winked at her.
"Estes-vous un autre garcon idiot?"
"What?" Daniel was taken by the French that she spoke, but was almost certain it was something about a stupid boy.
"Vont le garcon gai parti." Daintily, she twisted her body with an outstretched limp hand.
Daniel recognized her from clean up as the red head with Ned. He took a second look at her fashionable state, and then took her hand. Lightly, he kissed the top of it while smiling. The angel accepted gracefully, like royalty.
The ice room was cold with a damp cement floor, lit only with florescent light from high above. Two large ice machines rose halfway to the ceiling, dominating the small space, leaving cubby holes on the far side and in between. A small sink was next to the door with dirty mops hanging next to it. Daniel set the white bucket on top of the far machine, opened the lid, and felt a cool blast of air.
Muscle bound Eddie rushed in and handed Daniel a straw and a baggie. "Do a bump. I have to pee."
Daniel watched in fascination as Eddie whipped out and peed into the sink, and then he turned his attention to the powder in the bag. With a twist of his fingers, he snapped it open, scooped some into the end of the straw, and snorted. "Damn, that is crystal."
"What did you think it would be?" Eddie gave him a strange look as he zipped up.
"I don't know. It's just been awhile since I've done some."
Eddie chuckled, "It's going to be a long night."
Daniel handed the baggie back and massaged his brow to let the burn pass. "Who's the French girl outside?"
"Oh, she's not French, at least as far as I know. Marie is probably just screwing with you." Eddie inhaled a large bump up each nostril.
"Oh, it's because I'm new." Daniel rotated his jaw around.
"You got it."
"That stuff is strong."
"I hope so. It's LA ice." Eddie snorted again to clear his nose.
"Is that why they call this the ice room?"
"You're catching on." Eddie patted him on the shoulder. "I have to go." Eddie went to the door and looked back. "Hey."
"What?" Daniel felt the harsh drain.
"Don't forget the ice while you're in here."
Daniel shook his head, went to work, and filled the ice bucket. Hoisting it onto his shoulder, he carried it out and up the stairs, liking the way it made him look strong by holding it with one hand. Marie was preoccupied with the heavy traffic, but he managed to slip by it without incident. He passed the DJ booth, the world stopping with an entrancing riff. Apotheosis' version of O Furtuna, based from Carl Orff's Carmina Burana overtook him in grand wonder. The ice settled in the bucket as he leaned over the rail and watched the crowd go crazy to the techno vs classical sound. Lights flashed, and in between the flashes and enthralling choir, he noticed some animals down below in the crowd. Not real animals, but anthropomorphic ones: half human, half beast. The animals danced in and out of the flashes of light and were gone when the strobe stopped with primary colors flooding the floor. Daniel's jaw dropped in amazement. A genuine smile appeared as he nodded his head, noticing in his peripheral vision that the DJ was checking him out. Daniel flashed a peace sign at the shadowy figure in the booth and continued on to station nine. Ice dumped, he wiped down the bar in a frenzy of efficient speed.
Darren blocked his way. "You're fast."
"Thanks, I try." Daniel hung onto his goofy grin.
"Do you think you can handle it by yourself up here?"
"Sure, I'd like that."
"Good, because Jeff went home and Stina wants me to bartend in the art bar in his place."
"Don't worry. It's no problem. I got the hang of it."
"Alright, you take care of Eddie and he will take care of you."
"Cool, I got it. Go on."
Daniel was ecstatic at the turn of events. His own bar for the night meant more money. Trade seemed like the best opportunity of his young life. More importantly, the animals were coming. He could sense them circling him out there somewhere close.
Time passed quickly in the heat of things and the night winded down. With the station clean, Daniel took inventory of the beer and made a mental list. Downstairs, outside of the office, he stopped cold from the tally in his head. A ruckus of voices from inside stayed his hand from the doorknob.
Freddy's muffled voice boomed. "Fuck all of you! I do a damn good job!"
Rory boomed back. "You are drunk on shift and that's just plain messy, girl!"
Stina reasoned, "Now look, we have no problem if you have a drink or two, but when we get complaints, it has to stop."
"Complaints, you have to be kidding me!"
"Several tonight, including mine," Rory mocked.
"You stuck up English bastard!"
"Hey, stop it!" Stina screamed.
The sounds of a scuffle echoed through the door and Daniel took an involuntary step backward, bumping into Chad.
"I guess we don't have to stock beer for a bit."
"Guess not," Daniel listened with interest at the insanity.
Chad tugged his sleeve. "I got some, Tina."
Daniel screwed up his face in thought for a second, then got it as being short for Christina: aka crystal. "Let's go."
The confines of the bathroom stall in the women's restroom were tight and Daniel and Chad were forced to be close. Chad snorted a bump and put a refilled straw to Daniel's nose. Daniel looked at him as he inhaled, wincing at the pain. Both of them were startled by the stall door abruptly opening.
Yolanda, in disheveled drag, came in to the close quarters and shut the door. "What are you filthy boys doing in here?"
"Nothing," Chad tried to look blond and innocent.
"Uh huh," Daniel nodded, imitating the look with dark hair.
Yolanda flipped her wig and dramatically scowled, "Y'all were probably doing Tina and sucking cock."
Daniel looked at Chad, who looked back at him in bewilderment. They said nothing and watched her dip a long fake fingernail into her bag of cocaine, proffering a mound on its red painted tip.
"Here, either of you want to do a River Phoenix?"
Both Daniel and Chad shook their heads no to the prospect.
"Fine," Yolanda inhaled it and put the rest away. "You can continue whatever you were doing without me." As quickly as she appeared, she was gone with a snap of the latch.
"Is she always like that?" Daniel asked.
"Only when she's in a dress. The rest of the time she, or rather he, is a realtor."
"Wow, I can't imagine finding a house with that one."
"Me neither." Chad closed in. "Hey, you got a little on your nose."
Daniel wiped and felt the warmth in front of him. "Thanks
, so, do you think..."
Chad moved in and kissed him. "I think we have time."
The stall seemed smaller to Daniel as Chad fumbled with his pants and went down. Daniel accidentally kicked the door and hoped that no one heard. After a moment, Daniel pulled him up and returned the favor. He was surprised to find a metal cock ring connected to a waistband that held the fox tail in place. They kissed again, both horny and delirious. Daniel was guided with spit on a hand when Chad turned around and faced the graffiti on the wall. The fur pressed against Daniel's stomach and Chad moaned as they roughly went at it in the cramped space. Tongues met amidst the panting. They changed position to face one another, and with fast hands it was over. Sweaty and spent, Daniel licked stray spunk off of Chad's face and kissed him again. The entire fast and furious act went down in mere minutes.
Daniel stumbled out of the stall and looked in the mirror as he slid on his shirt. "That was hot."
"Damn, it was. I don't know if I can walk straight now." Chad panted behind him, stretched a leg, and adjusted his tail.
"Awe, shut up." Daniel ruffled Chad's hair.
"No seriously, I barely took that."
Daniel had an idea. "Do you want to come over sometime with me and Patrick?"
"Yeah, I would like that. It's not like I have anywhere else to go."
"What do you mean?"
"I got kicked out of the place where I was staying today."
"How come you didn't mention it before?"
"Hell, you have a boyfriend and I figured I could hook up with someone at afterhours."
"You're crazy, Chad. Do you know that?"
"So I've been told."
"I kind of mentioned it to him before, in a round-about way. You know...inviting you over."
"Really? You are a freak."
"It takes one to know one."
"Let's stock beer and we will see what he says when he gets here."
Chad weighed things in his head, "Sounds good as long as he's cool."
"He's cool alright." Daniel took a moment to look Chad over and he paused at the partially concealed fox tail. Something about that made everything seem alright.